Announcing Gitonium Beta!🎉
As I wrote in my previous newsletter, I would ship what I have. So today, I’m releasing the Gitonium TestFlight version. I have yet to attack the merging part, so thus far, the app is focused on browsing and committing. I have added AI-powered automatic commit message suggestions, making it as effortless as possible to commit your changes.
Is this you?

By not doing anything except staging your changes and letting Gitonium suggest a message, your commits can look like this, and you can keep focusing on the code.

I will keep improving the commit experience before I move on to tackling merge conflicts. Here’s a gif of what it looks like from a recent tweet of mine.
Gitonium now suggests a commit message based on changes in your commit. This works even better than I hoped it would!🤯 It makes frequent git commits pain free!
— Steffen (@starv) January 24, 2023
Anyway, if you would like to test Gitonium, you can install it from TestFlight using this link: Update: Gitonium is now on the App Store
and I appreciate any suggestions you may have on how I can improve it.