The Analyzer Quick Action

Meet My Source Code Analyzer

When I wrote my Ollama post a week ago, I promised to polish up and give away my File Analyzer Quick Action for free for Newsletter subscribers. We developers like to think of ourselves as intelligent, capable individuals. Estimation should be easy, right?

In software development, there’s something called the ninety-ninety rule. It refers to the tendency for projects to become more complex and time-consuming as they near completion. The initial phase goes quickly, but the final stages—such as optimizing, debugging, and handling edge cases—often take much longer than anticipated, sometimes doubling the expected effort.

I’m proud to say I am no exception to this rule, but be that as it may. Perhaps I should write about estimation next? In any case, I’ve finished the Analyzer!

You Feel Exhausted by Tickets

You don’t understand the code you’re assigned to fix. Coding under stress is a real passion killer. Your entire days are meetings scattered throughout, and you have more tickets to close.

Programming is a highly creative skill, and you know how good it feels to be productive, but you’re left scrambling for time to get the work done.

What if you could drop in quickly and resolve the issue? What if you could understand what this code does without reading through every detail? You could skip right to the deep thinking, spending that mental bandwidth on actual problem-solving⏤today.

Coding tickets really drags after a while, but it can also be deeply satisfying when you have the right tools.

Meet my File Analyzer Quick Action. Just right-click any file and quickly know what it does, how it’s structured, who created it, why, who else contributed, and what changes were made.

Close those tickets calmly, efficiently, and with peace of mind.

You can be the tech guru people count on during critical times to parachute in and save them.

Download my Quick Action now, and start mastering your workload, learning, and growing in no time.

Have a great day!


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