Small Commits, Big Results
The Latest Gitonium Beta Update is Here
I’m happy to announce a significant new Gitonium beta update today. Thanks for everyone’s feedback! ❤️ This version has some notable features I’ve wanted to make since the beginning.
The first feature is to highlight the actual differences internally in a diff. If you need clarification on what I mean, let me illustrate with a screenshot:

Finding and highlighting the difference seems simple, but I can assure You it was not. Another thing I did in this version was revamped syntax highlighting, which now looks much better and more colorful.
The second thing I wanted to do was stage and unstage partial changes. Being able to do so is vital for how I like to work with Git. I like to make small, frequent commits; to do that, I have to stage only the relevant parts, not the whole file.

Finally, as I’ve been committing a lot lately, and as some of you had also commented, when You were staging multiple files, the AI would keep suggesting new commit messages all the time. This could be annoying, so I added a small toggle in the commit message view, which can be turned on and off. This way, You can compose your commits in peace, and when you’re ready, You can turn it on and have the AI make a good commit message.
You can install the latest Gitonium Beta using this TestFlight link: Update: Gitonium is now on the App Store
I hope you like this update, and keep suggesting things for me to improve. Thanks for following along!